On a sunny Thursday morning a coach load of U3A members left Calpe to visit the small inland city of Novelda. A short journey later we arrived in the town centre and set off to visit the various places of interest. One group headed off to the Modernist House Museum with Christa and the other, unfortunate group, followed Kerry to the Tourist Information, in a roundabout kind of way!!

At the Tourist Information we asked for a map of the town and were given a flyer. “Where’s the map?” everyone was asking. “It’s here!” replied the patient lady called Suzi pointing at the QR code. Chaos ensued as everyone tried to understand what they had to do, with several people pointing their phones unsuccessfully at the little square. Well, with a bit of gentle persuasion we managed to obtain the last few paper maps of Novelda and so off we went in search of cafes, bars, restaurants and a monument of two….

There are several pleasant squares where one is able to sit and contemplate the surroundings. Near one square a group of us found a very nice restaurant with an excellent Menu Del Dia for a very reasonable 10 Euros. Over 20 of the group got together in another restaurant whilst others took a longer route around the town to discover somewhere. Finally, we all agreed that we had eaten very well with all the restaurants providing good value for money.

The Modernist House Museum is absolutely beautiful and without doubt well worth a visit. Exquisite ‘Art Nouveau’ floral borders decorate the walls and ceilings. The spiral staircase is spectacular and reaches up to the ceiling dome. The house is full of interesting sculptures and paintings. There is also an amazing courtyard.
Other places worth visiting in the town are the Casino and gardens with a delightful bandstand, the church and Town Hall.
Once everyone had exhausted what was on offer in the town and everything started to close we got back on the coach and headed off to visit the Church designed by a disciple of Antoni Gaudi and the Moorish castle of the Mola. We spent a pleasant couple of hours strolling around and also taking some time out to have a drink or two on the restaurant terrace.
A very tiring but wonderful day!!