Held on the 16th November 2023, at the LAFMA Premises, Edificio Santa Marta , Calpe.
The Meeting opened at 10.50am.
Apologies were received from: Hilary Hare, Annette Warr, Verity Waddell.
The President welcomed 60 members who attended and opened the meeting by sending good wishes to Verity Waddell, a past President of U3A Calpe, who is very ill at the moment.
Minutes of the previous AGM on 17th November 2022 had been published on the website shortly after the meeting and were therefore taken as read.
The President reminded members that the monthly Newsletter had been used to provided regular updates, including matters arising from the AGM and general meetings.
President’s Report:
A further year of consolidation with members coming to terms with the effects of Brexit – when Brexit hit there were over 700 paid up members and now approximately 340. It had been challenging to carry on as usual with less members. Notwithstanding this, a variety of speakers, demonstrations and performances had been organized for general meetings and coffee meetings. A further complication had been the decision of Cafe Dracula to hold their Bingo morning on Thursdays which has halved our monthly numbers – on occasions, meetings were attended by less than 30 members. Consequently, our next meeting will be on 15th December, changing the day of the meeting from Thursday to Friday. This will be an experiment to see if numbers attending rise and will be reviewed by the new committee in due course. It had been suggested that we hold fewer monthly meetings, perhaps to allow a more ‘upmarket’ venue to be used, but so far, the consensus was that the social benefits of a monthly meeting should be retained. A very successful Coronation Tea Party had been held in May, to celebrate the coronation of the new King, Charles III.
Banks: Kuxtabank is now in Benidorm as they closed their branch in Calpe. Following the decision taken at the last AGM, the committee set out to open a new account with a bank having a branch in Calpe. This proved to be far from straightforward, with a range of difficulties encountered. The situation was reported back to the Committee, which discussed the options. There was considerable disquiet about the various ‘hurdles’ which would have to be overcome in order to open a new account elsewhere, most notably the requirement for all signatories to the new U3A account to produce at least eight documents containing personal and financial information, including proof of income. The conclusion was that U3A Calpe should stay with Kuxtabank. A visit to the branch in Benidorm was duly organized, in order to prepare for the handover to the new President and committee. The visit was very successful and much useful information obtained. As part of the visit, the Travel account was closed (previously agreed in committee) and the final balance was to be moved to the main account. The Travel Coordinator had argued that a separate account was no longer necessary and that matters should be simplified by reducing to just one account and saving on bank charges. The new President will be visiting Kutxabank shortly to set up the new signatories for the account.
The President requested that the carefully considered decision of the committee to remain with Kuxtabank be confirmed by members present at the AGM:
To stay with Kuxtabank, Benidorm:
Proposed by Betty Gower
Seconded by: Rod Anderton
Vote carried unanimously, with no abstentions.
The President reminded members that this year sees a change and that U3A Calpe will be supporting MABS, the cancer charity, this year for its Christmas Appeal, in response to suggestions from members. A collection will be taken during refreshments, and again at the Christmas meeting next month.
At the next meeting on December 15th, the U3A Calpe Choir, led by its director Mary Anderton, will be performing a programme of Christmas music. This will be followed by ‘audience participation` when members present can join in singing well-known carols. The event will end with mulled wine and mince pies.
Vice President Report:
Karen has updated the Webpage and Facebook page as and when needed along with other duties, which have included developing a complaints and grievance procedure, and acting as ‘liaison’ between U3A Calpe and LAFMA.
Secretary Report:
Marion reported that there was very little change in her job as secretary other than sending out Agendas to Committee Members and taking Minutes at those Meetings, plus Agendas and Minutes of the General Meetings and Coffee Mornings. She also stated that she is retiring from the role of Secretary and her replacement is going to be Julianne Stall. She also stated how much she had enjoyed her role and that after several years’ service to four different Presidents it was time to step down.
Treasurer Report:
The account has only recently been audited so can be taken as up to date as of 10th October 2023.
Kuxtabank 4,074.32
Petty Cash 53.58
Membership Float 100.00
Total 4,227.90€
Membership Secretary Report:
Dairong reported that we now have 344 fully paid-up members, and this number is increasing steadily. As we now take renewal subscriptions at the start of each calendar year, we do not expect much change until January 2024.
Group Coordinator Report:
Since taking over from Jim Standen, after his sudden and unexpected ill health, this year has been a period of consolidation, getting in touch with, and getting to know group leaders. He is organising a Group Leaders’ Lunch in January, which will also be attended by committee members. He has been working with the Webmaster to keep website up to date with group activities and group news.
Travel Coordinator Report:
Freda has tried to organise outings but found that there was not enough support to make many of them viable. This is disappointing, and possibly another consequence of reduced numbers post-Brexit. However, a very successful trip to Ibiza was enjoyed by members. She has organised a Cruise for May 2024, but again, interest has been limited so far. In future she will be working with Marion Fisher, to promote further day trips and holiday.
Publicity Manager Report:
We have had various mentions in the local press and on local radio steadily throughout the year, which has kept U3A Calpe in the public eye and made local people more aware of what we are and what we do.
Webmaster Report
In order to reduce the cost of running the website, we now have a different website provider, based in France. This is proving more economic and successful. The website has undergone considerable renovation, and more information is now on the Website, including a calendar. This work is ongoing and is time-consuming, but very worthwhile.
Treasurer – John Stafford
Membership Secretary – Dairong Hu
Publicity Manager – David Stockton
Group Leaders Coordinator – Gareth Jones
Travel Coordinator – Freda Croasdell
Webmaster – Guy De Meester
The President proposed that these committee members should be voted in ‘en bloc’:
Proposed by: Arthur Croasdell
Seconded by: Anita Sanchez
The vote was unanimously carried, with no abstentions.
Karen Flack, the outgoing Vice President, and Marion Fisher, the outgoing Secretary, were presented with a gift by the President, with thanks for their service to U3A Calpe.
Julianne Stall has been nominated to take over from Marion as Secretary, and Bob McLean, has been nominated to join the Committee ‘without portfolio´. The President asked members to confirm these two new members of the committee:
Proposed by: Jo Cockshott
Seconded by: Hugh Stewart
The vote was unanimously carried, with no abstentions.
PRESIDENT 2023-2024:
Following the decision of the current President, Wendy Down, to retire after a number of years’ service to U3A, both in Calpe, and also in France, Dorothy Warner has been nominated for the position of President.
Proposed by: Julianne Stall
Seconded by: Sonia Hennell
The vote was carried unanimously, with no abstentions.
The new President gave a short introductory talk to members.
This was followed by refreshments.
The meeting closed at 11.56am.