There will be a Christmas Coffee morning on Thursday, December 15th, 10.30am to 12 noon, at LAFMA premises. As usual we shall be organizing a Christmas collection of toys, baby food and baby items, plus non-perishable foodstuffs, and cash donations, in support of the local Cruz Roja team in their work with needy local folk, especially babies and children, in our town of Calpe. We are intending that members of the team will come along to the Coffee Morning to receive our Christmas gifts. Although Christmas is still a good way off, could we ask you to start collecting for us? The odd extra tin or packet when you are shopping, or putting any spare small change in jar for the next few weeks, is one way of making a contribution. It is going to be hard for everyone, this year, with the economic situation globally in disarray, but anything you can spare helps a lot. Thank you.