This group is not currently active. It is often said that an active and inquiring mind is one of the keys to longevity, by keeping the little grey cells from falling asleep. And what better way to ensure this than to join a discussion group?
The general theme will be more of a philosophical nature concerning life and the world we live in, with you expressing your own opinion.
Our next meeting will be on February 9, at 3 pm. I would like a few more members who enjoy a good chat together once a month. This month we will talk about a magic wand (if you had one), and how you would used it to solve the problems such as, the changing climate and the dangerous state of the world today politically. What do you think your magic wand could do?.
Over the next few months we will take a light hearted look at religion, faith and old age.
Space is limited to the first 10 people who declare their interest in coming.
If you would like to share your opinions and ideas with others on a variety of topics, then joining our Discussion Group may be of interest to you.
If anyone has a comment to make on anything they have found curious or interesting during the month, we would like to hear it. As usual, anyone present may request a discussion on any topic.